A found object artist, photographer, gallery director & curator, video artist, writer, editor, graphic designer, for fine arts, advertising, newspapers, PR, theater, TV, art’s organizations, in PA, NJ, NY.
My first found object sculpture was created for the 1970 Women Artist’s in Revolution Show, Soho, NYC, a representation of the female torso made of blue jeans, feathers, buttons. A Madison Avenue graphic designer for Panasonic & NY NOW; Video-Verite artist worked with Salvador Dali & Nam June Paik. Created a traveling show of photographed spontaneous memorials to share the message of peace & healing in NYC during Sept. 11, 2001.
As a member of the Philadelphia Dumpster Divers, my art has undergone a radical change. From 2D to 3D. Sculptural construction begins with a search, materials combination research, testing & design. Mix in a bit of humor & Voila!